Online Poya Day Program
Program for Buddhists on Poya Day
Dassana Buddhist centre offers special meditation training program along with a series of Dhamma Discussions.Usually this will be held at Dassana Buddhist centre. But due to the prevailing COVID condition, same program is conducted online via zoom and it is shared in YouTube live stream. Please visit the following Dassana Youtube channel to join for the live Poya day program on every Poya day.
On every Poya day Dassana Buddhist centre conducts this program for the buddhists to practice Sathipattana meditation.
Objective: Teach the most essential practice of Sathara Sathipattanaya meditation to attain Nibbhana. This program also targets to convey the following practices to the buddhist society.
How to spend a Poda day fruitfully.
Give the message of thrifty usage of food and water in day to day life.
Practice of Noble Silence
How to apply meditation to the day to day life.
The program time table is as follows.
All the participants are encouraged to adhere to the following suggestions during the online program.
Wear a white color dress.
Maintain noble silence through out the program.
Please follow the below link to listen to previous recorded poya programs.