Founder of Dassana Buddhist Centre
Venerable Palkumbure Chandima Thero
Little Chandana
Bhanthe Palkumbure Chandima, whose lay name was Chandana Bandara Wijesundara, was born on 23rd October 1981 at the Peradeniya Teaching Hospital to a well Respected and reputed family. His father, the Late Mr. D.R.W.Wijesundara Banda of Palkumbura, Medawala, Harispattuwa in the District of Kandy Central Province of Sri Lanka was a retired Warrant Officer of the Sri Lanka Army. The mother, Mrs. Padmini Kumari Ekanayake of Yatigammana also in the District of Kandy, was an Estate School teacher attached to the Estate Development Authority . She was mainly responsible for inculcating the values of a ‘searching mind’ in little Chandana.
He spent his early childhood as any other normal child would, playfully and light heartedly. At a very tender age, Chandana realized that, there are ‘frames of mind’ that did change his moods and emotions at different times. Thus, he developed a keen desire to rid himself of these defilements that troubled his young mind. When eight years old, Chandana wanted his mother to explain, ‘from where did sorrow arise’, as he was devastated at the destruction caused to his cabbage plant grown and cared for lovingly by him.
Childhood Inspiration
Even as a child his outlook in life was different. He was a keen student of ‘Buddhist Meditation’. Chandana also had a deep desire to learn about Psychology. Thus by the age 15 he had finished reading all the books written by Venerable Rerukane Chandawimala Thero; one of the erudite scholars who brought Theravada Doctrine of Sathipattana Meditation from Burma to Sri Lanka (then Ceylon). His desire to find a path to rid himself of the defilements that troubled him always made him peruse many scholarly writings on Buddhism and Buddhist Meditation by Ajahn Chah, especially his book titled ‘Food For The Heart”. He also participated in many meditation programmes and attended many poya day ‘Ata Sil’ programmes at the forest hermitage of Udawattakelle in Kandy.
At the age of 16, Chandana met his mentor, Venerable Delattagare Nandasara Thero residing at the Pokunugala Meditation Centre. Bhanthe Nandasara, promoted Chandana’s desire to practise meditation and urged him to conduct many a meditation programme, whilst attending school.
Educational Background
Chandana’s primary education was at Sri Piyaratana Maha Vidyalaya of Gonigoda, his village school. His secondary education was at Dharmaraja College; Kandy where he excelled in both his studies and extra-curricular activities. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in Hospitality Management from a University in Bangkok. His stint in Thailand facilitated his search about Buddhist Meditation. Returning to Sri Lanka he was employed at a reputed chain of Supermarkets and Restaurants; as a coordinator for one year, during which time he continued with his practice of meditation.
One day on his way to participate in a meditation programme, it dawned in his mind, that he MUST get in to robes, to continue successfully the practice of meditation; a decision that was a turning point in his life. This decision was conveyed immediately to his Mentor Bhanthe Nandasara ( Loku Hamuduruwo)who despite rejoicing on hearing the good news; still queried –“ Why Robes?”. Chandana’s answer is a clear indication of his perception about life. “ I am indeed aware that being a lay person is no hindrance to attaining the supreme bliss of NIRVANA! Yet; similar to a soldier attired in armour being more suitable for combat, a person donning robes is more proficient to strive for enlightenment”. Loku Hamuduruwo was absolutely delighted with Chandana’s response and consented readily.
On Vesak Poya day of 2006, Chandana went to reside with “Loku Hamuduruwo” at Pokunugala. In 2007, both Loku Hamuduruwo and Chandana moved to Naga Len Purana Raja Maha Vihara at Bebalagama of Galagedara, at the invitation of the villagers. This is where, the Dassana Buddhist Centre is presently situated.
On Vesak Poya day of the year 2009, young Chandana was ordained as Ven. Palkumbure Chandima. His teacher(Aachariya)s at the ordination were Venerable Rekawa Jinarathana Thero; the then Chief Adhikarana Sangha Nayaka of the North Western Province and of course, Loku Hamuduruwo; Venerabla Delattagare Nandasara Thero. (Malwatta Chapter of the Siyam Nikaya, practicing the Theravada Buddhism). Subsequently, he went to Burma in search of a teacher of Meditation(Theravada stream) to learn more about the Sathipattana Meditation practised there.
Practice of Meditation
After his return, in 2010 his Burmese teacher visited Sri Lanka and conducted a meditation programme at the Sumathipala Memorial Meditation Centre of Kanduboda; Gampaha. There he met Venerable Gampaha Pemasiri Thero an erudite scholar of Sathipattana Meditation and the chief incumbent of Sumathipala Memorial Meditation Centre. Bhanthe Pemasiri was instrumental in enabling[C1] Bhanthe Chandima, imbibe the essence of Sathipattana Maditation as was preached by Lord Buddha. Hence, Bhanthe Chandima continued to train under Venerable Gampaha Pemasiri Thero of Kanduboda.
It is under the tutelage of venerable Pemasiri Thero, that Bhanthe Chandima learnt the Buddhist Thripitaka and flourished as an effective Sathipattana Meditation instructor.
He, thereafter, in 2013, started to conduct many an organized meditation retreat ; both residential and non residential, at Bebalagama as well as in many other places in the country. Today he conducts such programmes in Seychelles frequently. These sessions are very popular amongst both Buddhists and non Buddhists, resident there.
Bhanthe Chandima alone, is the architect of the existing beautiful edifice of the Dassana Buddhist Centre, and all other novel Buddhist programmes, both residential and non residential.
Unassuming and simple carefree approach of Bhanthe Chandima, attracts people of all walks of life, to feel completely at ease in participating in meditation programmes and be exposed to the novelty of the unique experience of ‘peace of mind’ by ‘knowing one’s innerself’.
His knowledge of psychology has indeed helped him to become a successful Sathipattana Meditation instructor. The Usage of simple and practical methods in his teachings, have enabled large numbers of people understand the essence of Dhamma, be they, child or adult. The many requests for meditation programmes from all over the country bear testimony to this unique approach.
Bhanthe Chandima himself is unique in many aspects of a Buddhist Bhikku.
Ehi Passiko- Come! Experience the joy of knowing thy self!.